Friday, March 23, 2012

Maths Success

Here is a great example of the line graphs some of us have been working on. I'm calling it - the Graph of the week! Well done, Gabby. We've been learning about putting the numbers on our x and y axis and making sure they're evenly spaced.

Here is another great example - this time of fantastic setting out. Many our our books are getting VERY sloppy in their presentation. Remember - a messy book is very hard to mark and to find the work you're needing to reflect on. It's very hard to improve if you can't look back and see what you've done.

Sophie W has the date and title in the right place, she has used a ruler and numbered all her questions! Nice job, Sophie!


Anonymous said...

We so agree with your teacher about the importance of recording your learning in an organised manner. The Einsteins have been discussing how useful it is to be bale to look back and reflect on prior learning. We reckon our books become our own resource and quick link to our individual learning journey!

The White Family said...

I am very impressed Sophie!!

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