Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is learning cool?

Today we used a stem chart to dig into what learning means for us.  We started by using a word association game for the word 'tree'.  We had to write three words that came to mind, and then words about those words and so on.

Once we had the 'knack' we did the same with the word, 'learning.'  Then we associated words with those words until our stems were quite chock-a-block.  Here are some of our stem charts...

Next we looked at our stem charts and made a summary statement starting with, 'Learning to me means...'  It was really interesting to hear the different responses and how differently we all see learning.  Some of us really liked learning and achieved great success while a few others had quite negative things to say about learning.

Then we talked about why some liked it and some didn't - why are there happy learners and unhappy learners.  It all came down to us!  This chart we made below showed us that our attitude and choices determine how much we achieve and succeed at school - no matter how smart we are.

 The last discussion we had, which got quite philosophical, was about whether we thought the happy learner was 'cool' or not and many of us thought that they were not!  It's interesting that for a lot of our class (mostly boys), the coolest person was the unhappy learner.  "It's cool to not like school."  "I don;t want to be a geek!"  I thought this was pretty sad that some of us thought that way and we'll be looking at ways we can change this thinking over the next few weeks.

I finished the session with something to think about.  I shared with everyone that when we leave school this perception of who is cool changes.  People who learn and try their best are the ones who have the most opportunities and can do what they want in life.  They get to achieve their goals and live their passion.  This gives them opportunities and life long learners have the world at their finger tips - now THAT'S cool!

What do you think?  This would make a GREAT discussion at the dinner table...  Please comment below or on our recorded message service on the right hand side of the blog.


Jenise said...

What a great discussion and very interesting results. Definately food for thought and time to change some thinking!
Let's hope some of the thinking has changed by the new year.
It's not cool when your friends begin to learn and get opportunities to go on all those extra exciting trips etc that high school has to offer and you are left behind because you decided it was more cool to not learn.

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