"Why did so many people die of the regular flu back then but not today?" We thought we'd ask an 'expert' for the answer so Ben W and Jaidene typed up an email to send to a doctor. I happened to have one as a friend so we sent it to Dr Stout on Facebook! Here was his reply - that night!
We put his reply - thanks Dr Stout! - on the IWB and worked out what some of the words meant. His reply gave us three reasons and this led to a great discussion about life expectancy and what your immune system is.
Then we wondered the following question - at the top of our 'prior knowledge' graph. What do you think about our wondering?

Great question and awesome that you were able to get an answer from Dr Stout so quickly. Looking at this post with Sophie made us talk about the age of her Great Grandparents that she caught up with last christmas which then lead to Soph wondering what the life expectancy would be for her children's children.
That was exactly what we were talking about in class.
I'm hoping that we get better at wondering things and seek some answers from some experts out there! People are so accessible these days through social media.
You never know what kinds of inquiries we get into with the questions we have. Some people call that 'going down rabbit trails!'
Let's try to become great hunters.
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